Today, there is a great opportunity to reinvent new models of experiential learning and deliver powerful educational experiences by building consortiums including governments, academia and enterprises to drive purposeful reskilling. Technology will also be a big ally as we explore approaches for blended delivery of education.
Eventos académicos
Webinar Community-Engaged Innovation: Co-Designing Emerging Technologies with Diverse Stakeholders
Participatory and inclusive design approaches advocate for the engagement of stakeholders early on in the design process, both to ensure that outcomes are informed by the needs and desires of real-world users, and to avoid causing unintended harm. I present several research projects that underline the importance of including diverse perspectives when creating emerging.
Webinar El Acceso Abierto y la Ciencia Abierta Como Herramientas en Tiempos de Crisis
Webinar con Marisa Raquel De Giusti
Lanzamiento Matilda y las Mujeres en Ingeniería en América Latina II
Matilda II reúne a 44 autoras y autores de 10 países latinoamericanos, que hicieron su aporte en 39 artículos (19 de Argentina). Este libro es la secuela de Matilda I, publicado en 2019 entre CONFEDI y LACCEI con tal éxito, que logró poner en marcha distintas acciones en América Latina para visibilizar el rol de las mujeres en la Ingeniería y despertar vocaciones tempranas y hasta está en vías de traducirse a 3 idiomas (Inglés, francés y portugués).
Webinar PBL, Sustainable Development Goals and Engineering Education: Promises and Challenges (Part III of III)
This webinar addresses the promises and challenges PBL comprises in addressing the SDGs in engineering education. It will start by looking into the SDGs and the main existent challenges to integrate them in engineering education, following by in which ways PBL can support the integration of SDGs in engineering curriculum and in overcoming some of the existent challenges.