Msc. Ing. Oscar A. Berríos G.
Especialista, Consultor Nacional e Internacional,
Profesor e Investigador Universitario en Seguridad e Higiene Ocupacional
Eventos académicos
Webinar Problem-Based Learning and Mathematics at University (Part II of III)
Aalborg Centre for Problem Based Learning in Engineering, Science and Sustainability under the auspices of UNESCO.
In this webinar, I will present three archetypes of such projects where the students in each of these perform either internal contextualization inside mathematics, external contextualisation to the external world, or both. Particularly one of these three types of projects have resemblance to projects in engineering
Webinar Reconocimiento de las Actividades de Desarrollo Tecnológico Social en el Sistema Científico-Tecnológico de Argentina
Presentador: Ing. Roberto Giordano Lerena
El Webinar presenta las condiciones del sistema de ciencia y técnica argentino respecto de este tipo de proyectos y su caracterización y destaca la oportunidad que significa para las universidades y centros de I+D en general y en el campo de la ingeniería en particular.
Webinar Siemens Simulation Technology Center: Innovation in Engineering Education
This webinar will provide examples of integration of Siemens Simulation Tools in course work as well as the development of industry-relevant apps in Additive Manufacturing that are integrated into coursework.
Webinar Online Teaching: Challenge, Technique, and Opportunity
In this webinar, Prof. Xinjie Yu will share the experiences of online teaching at Tsinghua University since the beginning of February.